COVID Mask Exposure
COVID-19 Public Health Emergency ending
May 11, 2023
Visit The CDC website for details
COVID Testing Site
Bivalent COVID-19 Boosters available through CCHHS

For more Vaccination Information and Vaccination Locations visit the CCHHS website

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   We need your help keeping our Community Healthy.


What do I do when I'm sick?

  • Please stay home - do not come to campus when you are sick or are experiencing a fever
  • Contact your supervisor or faculty member when you remain off campus due to illness 
  • Follow CCC policy on missed work or class
  • Consult with the CDC or your medical provider for guidance on your symptoms 


Cold, Flu or COVID-19 VS Allergies?


Cold, Flu, and COVID-19 Allergies
Fever is common No Fever 
Green or yellow nasal discharge Clear nasal discharge
Headaches or migraines (resulting from fever) Runny or itchy eyes
Gastric distress Occur annually or as a result of exposure to an allergen
Muscle Aches, fatigue  Typically focused around sinuses 

*CCC is not a medical provider and this is not an complete list of symptoms. Please consult a medical professional to determine the cause of your symptoms and appropriate treatment. 


COVID-19 Guidance for Students and Employees


 Where can I get a COVID-19 test or Supplies?

  • Antigen rapid tests and masks are available for free at each security desk. Tests can also be found using CCHHS website.

What do I do if I test positive?

What is the current guidance from CDC?

If a person is symptomatic and/or is positive for COVID-19 by PCR or Rapid Antigen test, they must remain off CCC facilities until:

  • At least 24 hours past their last fever without the use of medicine that reduces fevers, and other symptoms have improved.
    • Then masks should be worn for the 5 days following their return to CCC facilities

Where do I go to get vaccinated?